Learning Hours: 2
Start Time: 2013/Feb/06
End Time: 2013/Feb/06
Provider: Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA)
Ontario’s Building Code has been updated to include enhanced energy efficiency requirements for houses and large buildings and provides alternative compliance paths for achieving these benchmarks. The following voice-over slideshows have been developed by the Ministry’s Building and Development Branch and are based on the presentation given by the Ministry at the 2011 OBOA “Annual Meeting and Training Sessions.” The presentations are intended to provide highlights of the energy efficiency compliance alternatives, as set out in Supplementary Standards SB-10 and SB-12 of the Building Code. You can complete these modules at your own pace and, if you wish, pause and repeat any section. The presentations are provided for information purposes only. Code users, and other interested parties, are advised to refer to the Building Code Act, 1992 and its regulation (the Building Code) for official documentation of these standards. Supplementary Standard SB-12 Energy Efficiency for Houses Supplementary Standard SB-10 Energy Efficiency Supplement