Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM | Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Venue: O&B Café Grill | Yonge & Front (33 Yonge St.)
This session will empower incorporated Principal Architects with solutions that address the taxation changes proposed in the 2018 Federal Budget.
Our presentation will provide insights to many important financial concerns for Incorporated Architectural Professionals and will be a great opportunity to learn:
- A summary of the 2018 federal budget changes
- How to grow and access the wealth from your corporation more efficiently
- Using business incorporation to maximize capital gains exemptions and tax deferral opportunities
- Preparing for the new corporate tax rules and the integration with your personal financial plan
- Maximizing the tax benefits of balancing salary and dividend income
Please RSVP at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeufNXpSb9v_0cd_0cBPECWtV98hdyM--pDBTJrIItWnlgUIg/viewform
This is a complimentary event, and a certificate of attendance will be provided.
Justin Wight & Associates
Brian Chan, Consultant
(416) 733-4722 ext. 7752