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The Lean Construction Institute of Canada is hosting a series of 3 webinars on the subject of Communities of Practice.
The webinar on August 27 is a free introductory session.
The second and third webinars are free for LCIC members,
and are available to non-members at $50 for one session, or $75 for both sessions.
SESSION 1: What is a Community of Practice?
August 27th 1:00-2:00 pm (EDT)
Perhaps you’re familiar with the term but never participated in one, or maybe you’ve never heard of a “Community of Practice” before. This free session, presented by the Chair of the Lean Construction Institute of Canada, Bob Hildenbrandt, will explain the importance of these grassroots groups as a means of continuous improvement and fostering a culture of collaboration, and why every Lean practitioner should get involved.
SESSION 2: How to Start a Community of Practice
September 3rd 1:00-2:00 pm (EDT)
Do you live in a region without a Lean construction Community of Practice? Why not start one? This session will cover all the basics of starting a Community of Practice, from assembling a Core Team of fellow Lean practitioners to creating an annual plan. Whether you are hoping to create a CoP for your area or looking to set up an internal group within your company, this session will provide all the information needed to get started.
SESSION 3: Achieving Excellence with Community of Practices
September 10th 1:00-2:00 pm (EDT)
Once you know what a Community of Practice is and where to begin, it’s time to find out how to achieve excellence with them. This session will go more in-depth than the previous two sessions, providing helpful guidance and best practices to managing a Community of Practice, to ensure everyone is getting the most they can out of them.