Learning Hours: 5
Start Time: 2013/Feb/06
End Time: 2013/Feb/06
Location/City:Ottawa - October 25, 2012
Provider: Construction Resource Initiatives Council (CRIC)
Construction Resource Initiatives Council (CRIC) invites architects to celebrate 'CHANGE' 9:00 Registration – sign-up for a chance to win a lunch time helicopter ride 9:15 WHY CHANGE: the purpose, cause and belief; the driving motivation for the CRI Council and Mission 2030; Presented by Elizabeth Millar, Stone-Tile, CRI Council VP 10:00 HOW TO SHIFT FROM CONVENTIONAL TO REMARKABLE: the guiding principles, the specific actions to realize the why: presented by Meredith Thatcher, Space Need Analysis 11:30 LUNCH sponsored by RG Integration, Corflex, GWP Share the excitement of our transformations See our Nation's Capital changing landscape from the sky 1:30 WHAT CAN YOU DO TO ALTER THE WASTE PRODUCTION OF YOUR ORGANIZATION: the tangible proof, the tangible ways bringing the 'why' to life; speakers to be confirmed RSVP Ocyober 18 to for more information call 416-795-4632