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Beauty in Architecture: The Role of Aesthetics in Building

TIME: 11:00AM - 12:30PM

Session Abstract:

This lecture explores the importance of beauty in architectural design. It begins with a primer on the philosophy of aesthetics, beginning with concepts formed in ancient Greece that have been developed through the modern era. I look closely at Immanuel Kant’s foundational work on the subject, as well as issues that continue to be debated by post-modernist philosophers. The discussion then focuses on architecture as a unique category aesthetic study, with an examination of its characteristics as an everyday aesthetic that seeks harmony, fittingness, and civility. Additionally, I look at architecture’s public facing and permanent qualities, which place special responsibilities on architects to help promote public consensus and sustainability.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify the major philosophical concepts within the study of aesthetics.
  • Express the ways in which architecture can be distinguished as a unique aesthetic category.
  • Understand how universal aesthetic qualities can be identified and utilized in the design process.
  • Consider the ways in which ornament, function, and other parameters can be balanced to create beautiful and sustainable buildings.

About the Speaker:

Brian Hagood is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, where he earned his Bachelor of Architecture with honours. After several years working on historical buildings in New York City, he moved to Canada and established CAB Architects in 2015 with his wife Charisma Panchapakesan. The firm’s work focuses on renovations and additions to existing houses in Toronto, with a specialty in extending traditional styles into new construction. In addition to his practice, Brian writes on the subject of aesthetics in his newsletter Believing in Beauty and occasional pieces in other publications, including the Globe and Mail.

Registration Fee:

Licensed OAA Member: $42 + HST
OAA Interns: $32 + HST
Non-Members: $62 + HST


To register, click here


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3. The OAA will email the Zoom Access Link to you one-day prior.
4. OAA webinars are delivered via Zoom: Please check this Zoom Test Link or speak with your IT Consultant ahead of time, to ensure your device is compatible with Zoom. For technical concerns, please see the Zoom links for Technical Requirements and also their Download Centre.

For more information on the OAA Webinar Series click here.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact
OAA Continuing Education
t: 416.449.6898 Ext: 232

Attendance Policy: Members are required to attend at least 80% of a webinar in order to qualify for Continuing Education learning hours.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the webinar in order to receive a refund. Webinar fees are not refunded if the cancellation is received after the deadline or if you are unable to attend.

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