Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm (EDT)
Price: Passivehouse Canada Member: $200 Non-Member: $220
This 2-hour, online course will compare and contrast the proposed National Energy Code with the BC Energy Step Code, Passive House, and others. With proposed changes coming nationally and provincially, it will be important for all industry professionals and builders to understand the key differences between the standards and the metrics that they reference. Each of the standards will drive us to design and build in different ways. Some of our traditional design and construction strategies may need updates or rethinking to ensure homes are passing the new code minimums. In particular, the expected outcomes of each standard must be understood to allow clients and government to make better choices.
Learning Outcomes:
- Basic understanding of how each standard is calculated.
- Understand the basic differences between Passive House, National Energy Code, BC Energy Step Code.
- Understand the basic differences in outcomes for each of the standards.
- Be able to articulate those differences to others.
To Register: