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10 Important Features of a Wind-Resilient Building

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

As the effects of climate change bring more extreme and intense weather events to Canada with greater frequency, the resilience of our built environment is tested, with questions raised by some as to whether wood frame buildings can stand up to high winds and tornadoes. The answer is yes, they can. This session will examine the anatomy of a wind-resilient building. Concepts from the recently published standard, CSA S520 "Design and construction of low-rise residential and small buildings to resist high wind" will be illustrated. This Standard contains best practice guidance for the design and construction of low-rise, wood-frame buildings to withstand high winds corresponding to EF-2 tornado-level wind speeds. The guidance in this Standard is based on, and written to, supplement the requirements specified in Part 9 of the National Building Code of Canada.

Learning Objectives:

1. Participants will be introduced to the new, recently published standard, CSA S520 "Design and construction of low-rise residential and small buildings to resist high wind".
2. Participants will understand that additional lateral and uplift resistance considerations are necessary to ensure homes across Canada can withstand the effects of climate change.
3. Participants will be shown prescriptive details and solutions to ensure Canada’s housing and other small buildings will be more resilient to the effects of a high wind event such as an EF-2 level tornado.
4. Participants will review what the new standard covers and why it is a valuable tool. The standard provides:
• Prescriptive wind design loads or guidance for developing loads so that designers can quickly complete designers which may not be directly covered by the standard.
• Prescriptive fastening details for roof sheathing, wall sheathing, gable end wall bracing, cantilevered roof overhangs, truss over-framing.
• Prescriptive design spans for roof joists, roof beams built-up studs on sides of openings.
• Prescriptive design solutions for ensuring a complete uplift wind resisting load path from the roof down to the foundation.
• Prescriptive guidance for roof covering, garage doors, fenestrations and cladding.


Rob Jonkman, P. Eng.
After completing a Bachelor of Civil Engineering and Management degree at McMaster University in 1994, Robert worked for one year at a structural engineering consulting firm and over nine years as the Design and Engineering Supervisor at a Canadian timber frame manufacturer. Robert joined the Canadian Wood Council in 2005, progressing to become the Director of Codes and Standards - Structural Engineering in 2014, and VP of Codes Engineering in 2021. Robert has expertise in structural engineering, building science, and energy issues and active in the Codes and Standards development and with the Canadian Home Builders, including: • Member - NBC SC Structural Design (Part 4); • Member - NBC SC Housing and Small Buildings (Part 9); • Secretary - TC responsible for CSA O86 “Engineering Design in Wood” Standard; • Chair - ISO TC 165 mirror committee

Brent Bunting, P. Eng.
Brent Bunting is a Senior Branch Engineer for Simpson Strong-Tie, the world’s leader in structural connectors for wood construction. He has spent the past twenty years developing connectors and lateral load resisting systems for the Canadian market. Brent graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 1996 with a degree in Engineering Sciences and prior to working with Simpson, spent five years working as a structural engineer specializing in timber construction. Brent is currently a member of the CSA O86 Technical Committee, the CSA A23.3 Kevin Rocchi is a Mass Timber Structural Engineer at Element 5 limited partnership, where he completes the design of mass timber buildings for both Canadian and US markets. Kevin completed his undergrad and graduate studies at the University of Ottawa. He spent five years working as a Technical Services Specialist at the Canadian Wood Council and three years working as a Structural Engineer at Witzel Dyce Engineering. Kevin is currently a member of the CSA O86 Engineered design in wood Technical Subcommittees, a member of the CSA A307 Solid and engineered wood products Technical Committee and is chair of the CSA S520 Design and construction of low-rise residential and small buildings to resist high wind Technical Committee.Subcommittee on Anchorage to Concrete and is the Chair of the Truss Plate Institute of Canada’s (TPIC) Technical Committee.

Kevin Rocchi, MASc., P.Eng.
Kevin Rocchi is a Mass Timber Structural Engineer at Element 5 limited partnership, where he completes the design of mass timber buildings for both Canadian and US markets. Kevin completed his undergrad and graduate studies at the University of Ottawa. He spent five years working as a Technical Services Specialist at the Canadian Wood Council and three years working as a Structural Engineer at Witzel Dyce Engineering. Kevin is currently a member of the CSA O86 Engineered design in wood Technical Subcommittees, a member of the CSA A307 Solid and engineered wood products Technical Committee and is chair of the CSA S520 Design and construction of low-rise residential and small buildings to resist high wind Technical Committee.

Registration Fee:

Licensed OAA Member: $39 + HST
OAA Interns: $29 + HST
Non-Members: $59 + HST

To register, click here

1) An automatically generated confirmation will be emailed to you (once your registration goes through).
2) Please mark the time and date in your calendar.
3) The OAA will email the Zoom Access Link to you one-day prior.
4) OAA webinars are delivered via Zoom: Please check this Zoom Test Link or speak with your IT Consultant ahead of time, to ensure your device is compatible with Zoom. For technical concerns, please see the Zoom links for Technical Requirements and also their Download Centre.

For more information on the OAA Webinar Series click here

If you have any questions or concerns, contact OAA Continuing Education
t: 416.449.6898 Ext: 232


Attendance Policy: Members are required to attend at least 80% of a webinar in order to qualify for Continuing Education learning hours.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the webinar in order to receive a refund. Webinar fees are not refunded if the cancellation is received after the deadline or if you are unable to attend.


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