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Collection of Sketches, Part 2

The following collection of sketches were submitted by various OAA members as part of our summer 2018 blOAAg series, Summer Sketches: Capturing the Essence of Architectural Ideas.

Ryan Schwartz, Architect, OAA

Simple residential house concept sketches. These were very quick and only a few inches across each, but capture the essence of the original idea and leaves some room for interpretation in your imagination.

Ted Watson, Architect, OAA
Partner at MJMA

Sketches of Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre (2009) by Ted Watson, MJMA
Brief Description: The Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre creates a pedestrian sequence on the Commonwealth Stadium site through a series of simple design gestures. The program is based on the idea of creating a social heart for the neighbourhood. At the site level, it organizes the different site geometries and creates and urban space that becomes the focal point of the site, working with the existing neighbourhood LRT transit system.


Hany Khalil, Intern Architect at Agile Architects


Sketches for Emergency Service Station by Hany Khalil, Intern Architect.

Sketches for Emergency Service Station by Hany Khalil, Intern Architect.

Javid Jah, Intern 
Architect, OAA

Concept sketches by Javid Jah, Intern Architect.

Stephen Teeple, Architect, OAA
Principal, Teeple Architects

Stephen Hawking Centre, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, ON, 2012.

The form and architectural solution of the expansion focused on the creation of an interconnected, unified whole that encourages interaction among the various disciplines of physics. The design strategy focused on creating a variety of ideal research environments including both quiet research spaces and areas for dialogue and collaboration. This dynamic interaction is fostered through visual interconnectivity, and the provision of a wide range of interaction opportunities, from small nooks in communal areas, to the Black Hole Bistro on the ground floor and Interaction Areas that break down the boundaries between floors, to innovative teaching spaces. All areas of the facility are hardwired to connect globally with latest audio-visual communications and IT infrastructure. The facility enables lectures, cultural performances and live demonstrations to be shared, while promoting communication and collaboration with communities afar. 

Diana Poida, 
Architect, OAA

Concept sketches of Friday Harbour, Innisfil, Ontario, by Diana Poida for W Architect Inc.

Concept sketches of Friday Harbour, Innisfil, Ontario, by Diana Poida for W Architect Inc.
Left: Recreational Centre concept sketches and Right: Townhouses Concept sketches.

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