When the COVID-19 quarantine first started, one of the biggest challenges my wife and I faced was to find ways to keep our daughters busy (10 and 13 years old). We felt this could be a good opportunity to teach them skills they might not otherwise have the chance to learn, whether in or out of a classroom.

The girls have always enjoyed working with tools (to the extent we would allow it) and we had some spare wood in the garage. A brainstorm session broke out to see what we could make from it. Recently, our family had been talking about getting a pet, and we had settled on a bunny. We immediately decided to design and build a house for our bunny, even though we didn’t actually have it yet.

To be clear; I’ve never had a pet and I don’t know how bunnies live. This was just a fun and simple way to spend time with my daughters and teach them about design, software, measuring, cutting, fastening, and efficient use of material. I’d love to see someone remix it! We posted the link to download the drawings, and some ideas on ways to change it up, on our blog:

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