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Submit a Complaint

Submit a complaint about a member or practice

Filing a Complaint

Filing a formal complaint with the OAA is a serious matter. The complaints process should not be used for matters that are frivolous or vexatious, or to address other civil or commercial disputes that should be dealt with through legal avenues. The OAA does not have the mandate or authority to govern its members’ contractual and business dealings.

The OAA will not be able to process a complaint without receiving a fully completed Complaint Form, and attaching relevant supporting documents.

What You Need to Do

  1. Complete the  Complaint Form  and save the file to send to the Office of the Registrar as an email attachment. If the space provided for any answer is insufficient, include a separate document with further details.

  2. Gather any documents that relate to your complaint. Include any documents you think will help the OAA understand your complaint (and offer direction to the parts you think are important).

  3. Send the complaint to or mail to:

    Ontario Association of Architects
    111 Moatfield Drive,
    Toronto, Ontario,
    Canada M3B 3L6

What Happens Next?

The OAA reviews every complaint inquiry it receives, although it may not take action on all of them. The first point of contact is the Coordinator, Investigations, who acknowledges the receipt of the Complaint form and, together with the Deputy Registrar, performs an initial assessment to identify if the matter raises issues within the OAA’s jurisdiction. More information about the Complaints Process can be found here.
If the OAA cannot help with a complaint or deal with it as a professional conduct matter, you will be informed.

Confidentiality and Privacy

In fairness to the person or entity about whom you are complaining, the OAA will share some or all of the information and documents you have sent. Complaints are otherwise confidential. Confidentiality continues to be required even after the complaint has been addressed (without discipline proceedings). If a matter is referred to Discipline and there is a finding of professional misconduct or incompetence against an OAA member and/or Practice, the Decisions and Reasons of the Discipline Committee are published on the OAA Directory.

Commitment to a Respectful Environment

The OAA is committed to providing excellent service for members and the public, as well as a safe and harassment-free work environment for all. The OAA will not tolerate aggressive behaviour in any form against its staff, Council, or volunteers, including violence, harassment, threats, intimidation, inappropriate language, and bullying.


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