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i) Condominium Registration

This is a subject that we often find is misunderstood by the Owner/Contractor and by our own staff. I have seen the Architect sign for everything including items that clearly should be dealt with by the Engineers.  Lawyers and Owners may push at the last moment for a signature claiming big losses because you are holding them up. Make sure you insist on the necessary time and do not sign for items for which you are not responsible or possibly even qualified to take responsibility for.

Independent of what Tarion requires, the 1998 Ontario Condominium Act requires the completion of Form 2 “Certificate of Architect or Engineer (Schedule G to Declaration for a Standard or Leasehold Condominium Corporation)” (typically referred to simply as “Schedule G”) prior to registration of the project. The questions listed must be answered and certified by the appropriate professional consultant.  It is particularly important that the name of the Condominium be added to the form as it is quite generic and could be used elsewhere.

  • Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and 11 are to be answered by the Architect.
  • Items 6, 7 and 8 shall be answered by the Mechanical Engineer.
  • Item 9 shall be answered by the Electrical Engineer.
  • Item 5 may be answered by the Architect but the Owner or Contractor shall be responsible for providing copies of the licenses to the Consultant.
  • All parties including the Contractor and all affected sub trades should be fully familiar with these requirements. Registration cannot take place without this document and there is no leeway given
  • for interpretation by the Consultants. This document is initiated by the Owner’s solicitors and may require application of signature to several original copies.  Originals will usually be required.

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