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PT.10.1 Procedures for the Release of Statutory Lien Holdbacks – Construction Lien Act (CLA)

PT.10.1_V03.3 CLA-Procedures for the Release of Statutory Lien Holdbacks


Construction Lien Act (CLA), R.S.O., 1990, chapter C.30, as amended (see versions prior to 2018 06 30).
OAA/OGCA Take-Over Procedures, Document No. 100, December 12, 2007, updated July 1, 2018 (PDF) 
Ontario Court Forms – Construction Act (obsolete), (These forms apply to the CLA).
Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, (CHOP)


Attachment 1 – OAA Statement of Deemed Completion of a Contract (Word)

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