I found that work is not up to the standard that we expected – but the owner says he/she is okay with it. What should I do?
At a minimum, document the facts. If it is important you may need to affirm your position. The specifications are where quality standards get defined. The owner may not understand the details and may simply be trying to avoid a conflict or confrontation, particularly on residential renovations projects where the owner is in close contact with the workers. It may be that the contractor or trade workers agree with you and would prefer to rectify poor workmanship, than to leave it. More communication may be the way to deal with this issue. If necessary you may need to write to the owner, that it is against your judgement but that based on the owner’s direction you are prepared to accept the standard of the work completed, but that you are on record as not being satisfied with the standard as it is not in conformance with the contract requirements.
Updated: 2021/Mar/18