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4.2.IV Post-Bid Addendum

Where it becomes necessary to negotiate to lower the bid price/time, it is recommended in CCDC-23 that negotiations be held between the owner and the best value compliant bidder. Re‐tendering to the three highest value bidders using a Post‐Bid Addendum would be the alternative practice as a full re‐tender is a costly and time-consuming exercise for all parties involved.

Where the bid results are not favorable to the owner with regard to the project budget or time, and the owner chooses to negotiate with the three highest value compliant bidders, it would be deemed appropriate as part of the bid negotiations to prepare a “Post‐Bid Addendum” to issue changes to the Bid Documents to the bidders in an attempt to lower the bid prices or reduce the project duration rather than rebidding the project. Although a formalized and less costly process, this practice can put pressure on suppliers and sub‐trades to reduce their prices in an attempt to lower a bid price, effectively attempting to become the best value compliant bidder.


  • CCDC-23, Guide to Calling Bids and Awarding Construction Contracts
  • Bid Irregularity Schedule-C, City of Greater Sudbury
  • Canadian Handbook of Practice v3,  Chapter 6.5 "Construction Procurement":
    -Checklist Chapter 6.5, Appendix- A: "The Bid Package – A List of Information Required".
    -Checklist Chapter 6.5, Appendix B: "Instructions to Bidders – A List of Information to be Provided".
  • Bid Evaluation Form, CCA website


Post Bid Addendum

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