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4.1 Preparing and Issuing Record Drawings

Historically ‘Record Drawings‘ were a consolidation of the ‘as built’ information, submitted by the Contractor at the end of the project; along with other Owner requested changes necessary for the accurate long term use of the facility. Compilation of this complete record set of documents representing the facility as constructed for the Owner’s use and reuse was completed by the Consultants team. These were usually seen as a set of reproducible mylars that could last as amended from time to time for the life of the building.

It is important that the architect not represent that the record drawings are claiming to be the way that the building was in fact constructed. The following sample statement placed on the record drawing illustrates this principle:

"The issuance of this record drawing is a representation by the architect that the construction, enlargement or alteration of the building is in general, as opposed to precise, conformity with the design prepared and provided by the architect, but is not a representation that the construction, enlargement or alteration of the building is in conformity with a design that has been prepared or provided by others."

It is recommended that a clear statement be made prominently on the record drawing disclaiming accuracy and completeness of information transferred from the contractor’s as-built drawings. The following statement is recommended for this use:

"The revisions to these contract documents, reflecting the significant changes in the work made during construction, are based on data furnished by the contractor to the architect. The architect shall not be held responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by the contractor."

4.1 i Record Drawings Versus As-Builts
4.1 ii Record Drawings for Condominiums
4.1.iii - Building Information Modelling – The Basics
4.1.iv - Building Information Modelling – Delivery Planning


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