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2.1 Attending Site Meetings

CHOP | Chapter 2.3.11 | pp 7                                       

Site Meetings

Regular Site Meetings

One of the architect’s responsibilities during construction is to participate in job-site meetings. The architect should be familiar with the progress of the job prior to any regularly scheduled job meeting. Regularly scheduled site meetings are essential to:

  • communicate the client’s expectations to the construction team;
  • ensure good communication between all parties;
  • exchange and transmit technical information such as shop drawings;
  • provide a structured opportunity for field review;
  • resolve problems and discuss all relevant design and construction issues;
  • assist in making judgements and determinations;
  • review schedules and progress claims.

Site meetings provide an excellent opportunity for the architect to establish an on-site presence. Minutes of the site meetings should always be recorded. They should indicate what actions are required and who is responsible for the action. Minutes should be distributed within 48 hours of the meeting. Either the architect or the general contractor prepares the minutes, depending on the architect’s choice and the general requirements of the specifications.

The architect usually attends many meetings throughout the course of a project, and it is important that key decisions be recorded. Minutes should be reviewed for accuracy and completeness and, minutes together with any amendments, should be distributed to all parties.


No matter who runs the regular meetings, the Architect may have to initiate the start up meeting and ensure that various critical aspects are covered including timing of meetings, delivery of schedules (for submittals, meetings, etc), list of contacts, etc. A detailed list of requirements should be prepared prior to the meeting and distributed to the participants ahead of time.




Refer to chapter 2.3.11 in CHOP
Construction Meetings – Recording of Minutes 


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