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 Methods of Project Delivery

“... In addition to contractor selection, there are a variety of other contracting methods as well as methods of project delivery. For these various methods refer to Chapter 2.3.2, Types of Construction Project Delivery ...” 1
Although this may seem to be jumping back several sections in the ‘Management of the Project’, it is a valuable reminder before contemplating anything further that the selection of project delivery model has significant impacts on everything from the preparation of Construction Documents through construction and Contract Administration. There are varying advantages, disadvantages, and risks as well as nuances relating to the requirements for Construction Drawings, Specifications, Bidding processes and documents. The architects and their Consultants scope of services may significantly vary depending on the project delivery method initially selected. 
In short, the method of project delivery should be carefully considered and selected as early in the project as possible; ideally by the Design Development phase, and no later than the beginning of Construction Documents from where all documents can best be prepared to suit. It is not unheard of though, in smaller to mid-size projects with perhaps less sophisticated clientele, that the decision as to whether a project is to be delivered as Stipulated Sum or Construction Management is not made until after the Construction Documents are prepared, resulting in unnecessary risk and additional unanticipated work. 
This might mean at worst, inappropriate documents, requiring additional services or time to backtrack to make necessary changes in the Construction Documents, which may not have been captured in the agreed-upon fee structure. At best, it may result in unnecessary additional coordination and other work to address ambiguities or conflicts moving forward, for example, when in Construction Administration (and still likely impacting scope of services and therefore fees).  
Refer to The Canadian Handbook of Practice (CHOP), Chapter 2.3.2. for an excellent overview of types of project delivery and consider also the additional commentary pertaining to related scope of work in CD, Bid, and CA phases,  benefits & pitfalls, and lessons learned.

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