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Detailed shot of Solar Panels at OAA Headquarters
Reports Detailing OAA Headquarters Energy Modelling and Improved Comfort

The OAA Headquarters has made significant progress toward achieving net-zero operation, as detailed in comprehensive reports by the National Research Council (NRC) that also show how the building’s recent renewal improved occupant well-being.

OAA Headquarters solar panels
Image: Steven Evans

Current Articles

Building insulation in construction process
Chemical and Environmental Justice Impacts in the Life Cycle of Building Insulation

"Health Building Network (HBN) teamed up with Energy Efficiency for All (EEFA) to expand understanding of products’ life cycle health and environmental justice impacts—that is, the embodied chemical impacts of materials." 

Source: Healthy Building Network

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The Case For Climate Capitalism

"A warming climate and a general distrust of Wall Street has opened a new cultural divide among those who otherwise agree we must mitigate climate risk."

Source: Vimeo - Tom Rand

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How do we decarbonize?

"We don’t need a miracle. Everything we need to solve climate change is already here."

Source: Medium - Saul Griffith

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Why architects need to wake up to the carbon emergency

"Looking back at the green-fronted 8 March 2007 issue provides a fascinating insight into how much (and how little) has changed."

Source: Architects' Journal - Will Hurst

The case for funding more affordable green housing

"In an urban landscape punctuated by glass condos and gleaming offices, the four city-owned parcels that have bobbed to the surface of Toronto’s anxious conversation about housing affordability are nothing to look at for now."

Source: Corporate Knights - John Lorinc

The Climate Is Changing_So Must Architecture image
The Climate Is Changing. So Must Architecture.

"Climate change is the fundamental design problem of our time. Not style, not fees, not education, not community, not health, not justice."

Source: Architect Magazine - Ned Cramer

Government of Canada excited about Zero Carbon Building renovation project image
Government of Canada excited about Zero Carbon Building renovation project

"Public Services and Procurement Canada introduces early visions of its planned project to renovate the existing Arthur Meighen Building in Toronto into a Zero Carbon building."

Source: Canadian Consulting Engineer

Deep Energy Enclosure Retrofit (DEER) for Double Stud Walls image
BA-1504: Measure Guideline: Deep Energy Enclosure Retrofit (DEER) for Double Stud Walls

"This Measure Guideline describes a deep energy enclosure retrofit (DEER) solution that provides insulation to the interior of the wall assembly with the use of a double stud wall."

Source: Building Science Corporation - Honorata Loomis, Betsy Pettit

Thick as a Brick
BSI-047: Thick as a Brick

"One of the more difficult questions regarding enclosures is can we insulate the interior of a mass wall in a cold climate without causing damage from freeze/thaw cycles?"

Source: Building Science Corporation - Joseph Lstiburek

An Investigation of the Heat and Moisture Performance image
An Investigation of the Heat and Moisture Performance of a Ventilated Masonry Retrofit for Historic Structures

"Insulating historic masonry buildings will improve thermal performance. However, heritage requirements often limit the addition of insulation to the interior surface."

Source: University of Toronto - Nastassja Teresa Pearson

Interior Insulation image
PA-0901: Measuring the Impact of Interior Insulation on Solid Masonry Walls in a Cold Climate

"Evaluating the risks associated with insulating exterior masonry walls from the interior on a three-story school constructed in Toronto, Ontario in the late 1950s."

Source: Building Science Corporation - J.Wilkinson, D. De Rose, B. Sullivan, John Straube

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