The Fourth Edition of the Internship in Architecture Program (IAP) launched on January 1, 2021, and will be fully implemented tomorrow, on July 1. With the 18-month transition period now ending, all Intern Architects will be transferred to this edition and its updated requirements. As mentioned in previous Special News Bulletins and OAA News throughout the last several months, those enrolled in the previous edition have until today to complete their program requirements. This means all hours must have been submitted and signed by both Mentor and Supervising Architect.
If Intern Architects are unable to complete the Third Edition by end of day, they will be transferred to the Fourth Edition in July and must complete the updated requirements.
Visit the OAA Website to learn more about the background of the IAP changes, as well as the procedures to submit experience. This link also includes a chart outlining the differences between the two editions. You can also read the latest OAA email communication on the change.