The construction industry is known for its slim profit margins and erratic market cycles—this despite accounting for $13 trillion in spending worldwide in 2023, or approximately 7 percent of global...
Following on the OAA’s renewal of the CSA Standards Access Program earlier this year, the Association and CSA Group have partnered to develop the Continuing Education (ConEd) webinar, “Access to CSA...
The City of Toronto is taking concrete action to accelerate modular and rapid-build construction of housing. Within a few months, the municipality will have an expanded roster of pre-qualified...
As interest in modular construction grows, construction professionals and regulators can benefit from a better understanding of the differences between modular and conventional buildings. CSA Group...
Confronted with a housing crisis, policymakers are challenged to facilitate building new infrastructure—and quickly—to catch up to rising demand as the population grows and the skilled labour force...