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Join the Future of Ontario Place for a series comprised of four sessions working towards reimagining the future of the site through an understanding of its public identity, design values, and future...

‘Holding Up History’ is a two-part program exploring the influence of facadism as an architectural and conceptual strategy for bringing elements from the past into the future. Through a panel talk and...

Late 19th and early 20th century masonry buildings — from historic warehouses to Victorian homes and main-street shops — make up a large part of our urban cores, providing significant cultural...

Discover the stories of Toronto’s 2SLGBTQ+ community — from advocacy fuelled by the Bathhouse Raids and the AIDS epidemic, to the belonging and celebration found at the City Park Apartments, Buddies...

Join artist and paint maker Anong Beam for a talk about her love of pigment, paint, colour, and innovation. Anong Migwans Beam is a painter from Mchigeeng First Nation on Manitoulin Island and is...

Jordan Bennett: Artist and Curators’ Conversation as part of the Mi’kmaq By Design Lecture Series - Wednesday, June 15, 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 100 McCaul St. in Room 230 Join Jordan Bennett in...

Join Wanda Nanibush, the AGO’s Curator of Indigenous Art with Margo Neale, Head of the National Museum of Australia’s Indigenous Knowledges Centre and Senior Indigenous Curator, and Terri Janke...

Join us for the relaunch of the TSA Building Tours program with a visit to the recently completed, award-winning revitalization of UofT’s historic University College! After a long hiatus we are...

Meet the women who overcame persecution and prejudice in their fight for opportunity and justice in 19th- and 20th-century Toronto. From the former site of the Mercer Reformatory, the first women’s...

Discover Toronto’s history of healthcare, from the ground-breaking development of insulin to the inspiring story of Dr. Alexander Augusta, one of our first Black physicians. Learn how the city battled...

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Events Calendar

Check out our events calendar for a wide array of online and in-person events. Also submit an event using our online form.