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Image : Roof studies for church, Winnipeg, MB by Paul Backewich

Spotlight: The Lines We Draw Sketching with Paul Backewich

To kick off the OAA's Summer Sketches series, we are featuring highlights from our 2023 Conference in Sudbury. Read more about the The Lines We Draw Sketching session with Paul Backewich.

Please give us a brief introduction to who you are.

I am a licensed architect who strives to make the ordinary extraordinary so the world can be a much more interesting place. I have had the pleasure to meet and work alongside experts in the field of architecture, design, business and technology - all strong voices who have contributed to my skill and understanding of the profession and assisted in my growth and talent as an architect. I have had the pleasure of working on many types and sizes of buildings, assisted in master planning studies for neighbourhoods and universities, illustrated books, designed exhibitions for prestigious galleries, crafted innovative design proposals which redefined the nature of proposals, won design competitions, and mentored many talented and successful young architects in this country - through both the CaGBC and the OAA. As an advocate for the power and beauty of architectural hand-drawing, I strive to create with the energy and excitement that comes with an understanding of the artifice and complexity of great architecture, backed by a solid knowledge of the intricate building systems found in all project types.

Entry Study for Church, Winnipeg, MB by Paul Backewich

What is your own personal relationship with sketching/art?

I have been drawing since I was a little kid, usually focusing on developing that skill in school and ignoring most other subjects! Early in my architectural education, I learned the value of hand drawing from some amazing professors. In the course of my architectural career, I have been supported by most firms I have worked; as a result, I have been provided with a great number of opportunities to apply that skill, which I absolutely love! I have also created a side gig doing house portraits and have been asked to create artwork for magazines and charitable organizations.

Study for First Nation Youth Centre, York Factory, MB by Paul Backewich

What was it like leading the class in Sudbury?

It was really cool leading the class in Sudbury, but also a bit stressful! Fortunately, the people who attended were very interested and keen on learning how to use hand drawing/sketching in their own careers, AND the people managing the conference were extremely supportive!

Sudbury Session (Photo Credit: Ryan Francoz)

What should architects get out of this process?

I hope architects can realize how beneficial hand drawing/ sketching can be to their work. I am a big supporter of everyone having a sketchbook/sketchpad at their workspace in order to work out ideas quickly before committing them to the computer. It has been proven that it's great for the brain and clients often can 'get' an idea that is sketched as opposed to digitized (FYI, all attendees at my sessions in Sudbury received a sketchpad!).

Sudbury Session (Photo Credit: Ryan Francoz)

This blOAAg post is an entry in the popular annual series, Summer Sketches. To see other items from this year, click here. To see all Summer Sketchesclick here.


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