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Practice : Erica Gomirato | Image : Erica Gomirato

Healthy Cities: Sustainably Adapting the Dominion Foundry Complex

Project Team

Erica Gomirato, Student Associate
Shannon Bassett, Thesis Advisor, McEwen School of Architecture

Project Summary

This proposal focuses on the sustainable adaptive reuse of the Dominion Wheel and Foundry building complex in the West Don Lands of Downtown Toronto to promote health and wellness for both humans and non-humans. The overall theme of the project is sustainability which addresses the intersection of health and well-being with architecture to create a healthier and more sustainable future, while also becoming a tool to educate others on sustainability and encourage healthy lifestyles.

This project proposes a mixed-use development on the Dominion Foundry site by adapting and preserving the remaining heritage buildings and their cultural significance while integrating new sustainable construction to create a self-sustaining and active community. It is not only an isolated object, but it is also part of a larger healthy ecosystem for the city that integrates biodiversity.

The project supports sustainability, health, and well-being at all scales, from the city scale to the scale of an individual living unit. The living spaces create healthy lifestyles in dense urban conditions. The project introduces an immersive experience for on-site users with sustainable strategies and natural ecologies. It demonstrates how existing buildings should be celebrated as opportunities to create sustainable projects for a healthier future and are greatly capable of achieving a successful intersection of architecture and health. The proposed design can result in a healthier living environment and lifestyle, a healthy and sustainable site, and a healthy city overall.

See the SHIFT Website for more information on the project and team.

Publish Date : 2023/Jul/28
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